National journals on ELTE-surface

The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University will provide the technical background for the publication of two national library journals with a long history, the Book, Library, Librarian (Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros) and the Library Monitor (Könyvtári Figyelő).

The journal management system of the University Library contains a number of ELTE-related journals, the range of which will be expanded by an agreement concluded with the National Széchényi Library in 2020, the first current issues of which have become openly accessible on the new interface. The Book, Library, Librarian journal is available at, and the first issue of the Library Monitor is available at

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Reporting day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

In view of the epidemiological situation, the first quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee was held in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.

The University Library Service’s Quality Improvement Report has been completed and the report on non-quality services closed in the previous year has been evaluated and summarized. Based on the results of the lecturer and student satisfaction surveys from 2019 and 2020, the reports have been finalized and are available at the Eötvös Loránd University's Institutional Repository (EDIT). All four documents were passed unanimously by the committee.

The Minister of Human Resources and the leadership and maintainer of the university were also sent the annual report of the University Library Service (ULS) of Eötvös Loránd University in accordance with the current 30/2014. (IV. 10.) Ministry of Human Resources’ Decree. The web interface of our partner database, the archiving of media appearances, the publication of portal news and the ULS newsletter are constantly being updated. In cooperation with the Communication Coordination Committee, the communication working group was involved in organizing trainings, which were planned for writing a detailed situation analysis, setting communication goals, and creating a communication strategy. More efficient communication will be also supported by our user-friendly new portal, which is currently under development.

The barrier-free library group plans to compile a complex, constantly updated barrier-free library user’s guide. As a first step a comprehensive survey was conducted regarding the wide range of our library services for students with special needs. However, the green library group is working to create a green virtual collection that is planned to be facilitated by short content referrals and search aids.

The library leaders prepared the work plans and reports of the libraries, as well as the register of dissemination activities, agreed on the review and standardization of statistical data collection. The uploading of dissertations to EDIT, the acquisition of RFID, and the establishment of plagiarism detection services are in process. We will announce the latest developments and results on our portal soon with the latest news!

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Quality improvement

In the quality improvement project accepted by ELTE in 2007, it undertakes to extend the quality improvement processes to the whole organization. The library system as an important service of the institution is part of that too. The K21 Library quality improvement project works with the support of the Quality Management Comittee of the university.

The purpose of ELTE University Library Service (EKSZ) is to improve the satisfaction of the library users like instructors, researchers, students, and other visitors.

About the Foundation

The goal of the Foundation for the University Library, established in 2005, is 

"to develop the spirituality of the library, in line with ELTE University Library's purpose, to modernize its technical standard, to protect and care for its stock
to expand its services, to improve its quality, to nurture and develop its public relations and partnerships, to introduce its values with finding supporters who agree on the importance of the goal and are willing to help us achieve them by their own means."


Committed to Excellence

EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) is a membership-based non-profit organization founded in 1988 by fourteen leading European companies with the mission to be a promoter and flag bearer of long-term sustainable excellence in Europe. The EFQM model represented by the association is a globally recognized framework that helps institutions manage change and increase performance.

The University Library Service of Eötvös Loránd University is committed to achieving the strategic objectives set out in the mission statement of Eötvös Loránd University, continuous quality improvement and achieving outstanding results, therefore in February 2020 University Library Service submitted an application to the Hungarian organization of EFQM. As part of the application process, all faculty libraries and the ELTE University Library and Archives also conducted a self-assessment in April, based on the EFQM model, by filling in online forms. About forty librarians participated in the self-assessment. During the evaluation of the results, the library leaders set the goal of implementing three of the development proposals, which were fulfilled with the broad cooperation and effective cooperation of our staff.

In the six months following the self-assessment, an assimilation project covering all the libraries of the University Library Service and a performance evaluation system documentation were developed. The two projects aim to increase employee satisfaction and support their efficient work to make the entire organization work better. An action plan was drawn up on the basis of questionnaire surveys as part of a project to improve the University Library Services communication. In the future, with the redesign of the portal interface and library websites, with the inclusion of new communication tools and channels, we plan to publish our achievements, renewed services and operational information in an authentic and wide range for ELTE citizens and partners.  Based on our application, after the professional evaluation and assessment of the documentation of the three successfully implemented development projects, our institution obtained an EFQM “Committed to Excellence” certificate for three years. By winning the recognition, the ELTE University Library Service can be considered a pioneer in the line of libraries in Hungary. Documents related to the EFQM application are available in the Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT) of ELTE at Further details about our results can be found on the ELTE website.

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Kurka Géza fényképe az Egyetemi Könyvtár Nagyolvasójáról