Korossy Quartet in the library

The talented students of the Festival Academy Budapest present Beethoven's String Quartet in A minor (Op. 132.) and Schubert's Quartettsatz (D 703) on the 18th of September, 2021 at 11:00 am in the University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University.

The art directors of the Festival Academy Budapest are Katalin Kokas and Barnabás Kelemen, the concert will take place within the framework of the Cultural Heritage Days. The performance is implemented within the confines of the „Thank you, Hungary!”  project.

More details about our programs can be found here. You can get more detailed information about the concerts of the Festival Academy Budapest on their website.


ELTE University Library, Reading Room

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.

18/09/2021, Saturday - 11:00 - 12:00

Source/author of illustration:
Korossy Quartet

Secrets of pages – Old book presentation

As part of our book presentations, you can gain insight into the special publications of our library, during which the secrets of our old prints are revealed.

Our museum collection, which is part of the national cultural heritage, is also significant in Europe. The valuable collection preserved in the library (185 codices, including 14 corvina, 1,200 ancient prints, 11,000 16th-century antiques, 15,000 Baroque, and 75,000 18th-century works) was searched internationally. The main tasks of the library also include the care, preservation and presentation of our unique historical treasures. Further details about our programs are available here (link) and on the official website of the Cultural Heritage Days.

If you want to contribute to the preservation of our cultural values, adopt a book yourself! You can find out more about our book adoption program here. More details about our programs are available on our website.


Venue for presentations of our old books:

University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.


Dates for the presentation of our old books:

18/09/2021, Saturday - 12:30 - 13:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 13:30 - 14:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 14:30 - 15:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 15:30 - 16:00

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The Faculty Library of the Faculty of Economics is the ELTE University Library and Archives

The library of the Faculty of Economics is the University Library and Archives. Use of the library is free of charge for the citizens of the Faculty of Economics and Business, information about our services is available here.

From the 6th of September the reading rooms are reopened for personal visits.
Opening hours: from 9 am to 8 pm on working days

In addition to personal registration, we are glad to offer you our newest application, the ELTE Library WebApp.

According to university regulations, it is mandatory to wear a mask in the building.

For more information, please, visit our renewed website.

We welcome our readers!

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Book adoption ceremony

As part of the Cultural Heritage Days, you can learn about the book adoption program of the University Library Foundation.

Pascale Andréani, the Ambassador of the French Republic to Hungary, provided again significant support for the protection of our collection, taking over the cost of restoring Le premier livre d’amadis de Gaule (1555). In the frame of the ceremonial book adoption, our generous donor will greet you from 15.00 on the 18th of September, 2021 and the world-famous Dante Codex will also be presented. All visitors are welcome!

More details about our programs are available here.


Book adoption ceremony:

ELTE University Library and Archives, Boardroom

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.

18/09/2021, Saturday - 15.00 - 15.30

Source/author of illustration:

Dante's anniversary in the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives

On the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of Dante's death, on the 14th of September, 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00, the Reading Room of the ELTE University Library and Archives will provide a venue for the presentation of the detailed Commentary volume prepared by the members of the Hungarian Dante Society for Part I of the Divine Commedy.

In the frame of the book presentation (Dante Alighieri, Divine Commedy, I. Inferno, edited by János Kelemen, co-edited by József Nagy, Budapest 2019), a round table discussion will take place under the chairmanship of Dr. László Borhy, Rector of the Eötvös Loránd University.

The conference comes to end at 14:30 by the solemn wreath-laying of the Dante statue on behalf of the Eötvös Loránd University, the Hungarian Dante researchers, and the Hungarian departments of Italian and literary history at 1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21–23. in the garden.

All visitors are welcome!

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Duo-Perpetual concert

The Duo-Perpetual will give a concert in the hall of the University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.) on 18th of September, 2021 at 4 pm on the Cultural Heritage Days.

The program includes works by Mozart, Bach, Piazzolla and Shostakovich, among others. All visitors are welcome!

Detailed information about our programs can be found here and on the official website of the Cultural Heritage Days. The performance is implemented within the confines of the „Thank you, Hungary!”  project.

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Congratulations to our honorees!

According to the traditions of Eötvös Loránd University, the Senate of the University presented the awards to the lecturers, employees and staff who provided excellent work and outstanding performance at the opening Senate meeting of the academic year. This year's honorees included several staff members of the University Library Service who are committed to the cause of the university and library development.

Gabriella Czinki-Vietorisz, Informatics Librarian of the Department of Informatics at the University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University, was awarded the Silver Degree of the Pro Universitate Commemorative Medal in recognition of her exemplary and dedicated system librarian and librarian duties for more than two decades; the head of the Collection Management Department, Tünde Székelyné Török, was awarded the bronze degree of the Pro Universitate Commemorative Medal for her outstanding work for more than a decade. The Ágoston Trefort Memorial Card was awarded the head of the library of the German Institute of Technology, Ábrahám Gyöngyi, and the librarian of the ELTE University Library and Archives, Dávid Gimesi, for their above-average performance and outstanding merits. Noémi Szabó, the library manager of ELTE TTK Library and Ágnes Széles, the librarian of ELTE University Library and Archives received the rector's praise.

Congratulations to our colleagues on the occasion of their award, we wish them much success in their further work!

Source/author of illustration:

Traditions and challenges IX. – After two years, our library professional day at the ELTE University Library was again of great interest

On the 26th of August, 2021, the ELTE University Library and Archives organized its ninth professional conference entitled Traditions and Challenges. During a roundtable discussion, our guests could be informed about the following topics: Academic Libraries and the Pandemic, Open and closed: Focus on the User, and Modern Library Management of Museum Documents.

The lectures were of great interest, more than 150 librarians, university students, service partners followed the events online or in person. The participants were greeted by Dr. Péter Sziklai, Deputy Rector of Science of Eötvös Loránd University.

After the opening speech, the audience was offered the opportunity to follow a roundtable discussion moderated by Gyöngyi Karácsony, President of the College of University Library Directors, Director General of the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen. In the frame of the discussion Péter Szóllás, Head of the Library and Archives Department of the Ministry of Human Resources, Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőnéné Gombos Anamária, Director General of the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives, Gábor Szeberényi, Director General of the University Library and Knowledge Center of the University of Pécs, and Bea Winkler, Director of the Hutÿra Ferenc Library, Archives and Museum at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest reported on the challenges of developing virtual services, the effectiveness of online meetings and good practices, such as online library management, self-rental desks, and safe and fair use of copyrighted materials.

The changed situation and event-driven work also had a significant impact on the organizational culture, encouraging employees to acquire new skills and abilities by inspiring independent decision-making and creative and innovative solutions. Strategies for higher education libraries and librarian training all focus on perpetuating change management, managing challenges flexibly and effectively, and ensuring continuous improvement and online availability of the full range of services. The future will open for services torn from library and electronic collections, and the door will open to new perspectives and needs in research and education support. During the discourse, the heads of libraries and institutions thanked the Ministry of Human Resources for its help, for the ongoing cooperation opportunities and regular online meetings led by Secretary of State for Culture, which encouraged the development of new platforms for joint problem-solving and meant support in the crisis.

The audience of the first section was able to hear presentations about user and customer-centric services. The guests of the second section could learn about the modern preservation of the museum documents.

The conference was supported by the National Cultural Fund, Monguz Information Technology Ltd., ProQuest, and the University Library Foundation. Abstracts of the lectures are available on our website. From the presentations of the professional day Traditions and Challenges IX., the ELTE University Library and Archives plans to publish a conference volume, which will also be available in electronic form in the ELTE repository.




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The ULA University Library welcomes you again from the 6th of September!

Our library welcomes visitors with regular opening hours and comprehensive service from the 6th of September, 2021.

Opening hours: from 9 am to 8 pm on working days

All reading rooms are reopened to visitors!

Our website has been renewed, where you can find all the information and help you need to use the library. All our services are available here.

Important epidemiological information:

  • according to university regulations, it is mandatory to wear a mask in the building (indoors);
  • only healthy people can visit our institution;
  • participation in the library events is possible only with the presentation of immunity certificate.

We welcome all our dear former and new readers!

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30-day trial access to the Scopus database and SciVal

Elsevier has offered a 30-day trial access to the Scopus database and SciVal.

Start of the test period: 01/09/2021

End of the test period: 30/09/2021

Direct link to the Scopus database

Direct link to SciVal Analytics (each user has to create their own account)

Access is possible by connecting to the ELTE’s internet network, or in case of remote access, students are able to use Stunnel services, for ELTE employees are VPN services available.

Terms and Conditions

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