Between the 29th of July and the 31st of August 2024, our library and the Eötvös Exhibition will be closed.

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – February 2023

Object of the month – Cabaret poster

„The uncle. Collegium farce in 3 acts. Collected from old memories by Gyuszi Bodnár. Music whistled by Mr Kodály. The Laczkó freshman adds a prologue.” February 16, 1904, 48x69 cm, Location: József Eötvös Collegium, TG Hall.

In the exhibition guide published in 2011, Magdolna Tóth writes about cabaret posters: „Cabaret posters are special documents of college student life. The tension of the hard work was relieved by the theatrical performances, the „cabarets”, sometimes interwoven with Rabelaisian humor, which were initially presented by the collegians on Mr. BG's name day at the end of February. The professors of the university were also invited to this occasion, who had often become „victims” of the student pranks, but on this day they were not allowed to take offense.”

Compiled by Attila Boda

Source: Lustrum. The palace of the Eötvös Collegium in Ménesi út is 100 years old. Exhibition manager. Ed. László Horváth. Budapest, 2011, 85–87.

Source/author of illustration:
József Eötvös Collegium