
How can I get to the University Archives? Address: 1053 Budapest Ferenciek tere 6. Telephone: +36 1 411 6500 / 3442 Email: info@leveltar.elte.hu Admission to the building is subject to a valid library card or loan card, which can be obtained at the customer service desk. Archives services are available in the research room on the first floor.
The university archives is the repository of the university's records. The records of large European universities with a history of several centuries were initially kept by the bureaus of the university, the rector’s, the chancellor’s and the deans’ offices, and later by the university libraries in general. As a result of the rapid development at the beginning of the 19th century, the organization, literacy, and administration of universities also changed: the amount of records created by the university, which had to be preserved, processed, and researched, increased exponentially.