Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.


The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography is basically a bibliographic database of Hungarian scholarly publications, but it also contains links to full text.
The mathematical bibliographic database of the American Mathematical Society, which includes bibliographic data of publications in the field of mathematics since the early 1800s. The database covers approximately 550 journals and provides citation data for journals, authors, articles, and reviews.
The database provides information on students enrolled in higher education institutions.
In the JSTOR full-text database, the complete texts of over 2800 journals are available, primarily in the fields of humanities and social sciences, among other disciplines. The database provides archival content, but the most recent 2–5 years of journals are not accessible. For a video tutorial on using the database, you can watch here.
The Clarivate science evaluation database aids in the analysis of authors, institutions, research areas, and funding organizations. It facilitates the interpretation of achieved results within context, as well as the identification and analysis of strategically important collaborations. The database provides assistance in analyzing open-access articles using normalized metrics and examining the success of publication strategies. Document-level category systems, such as Citation Topics and Sustainable Development Goals, enable in-depth analyses and comparisons.
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects. Multidisciplinary by nature, GreenFILE draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology.
The publication provides accessible economic case studies applicable in higher education. There are over 310 case studies available. For a video tutorial on using the database, you can watch here.
The service provider aimes to keep registering the Hungarian electronic periodical publications and archiving of certain periodicals. Electronic periodicals are searchable by different viewpoint and freely available to anyone.
The Clarivate science metrics database is an enhanced platform that combines the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), containing impact factors, with the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, which summarizes the most cited articles, authors, and institutions. Through JHCD (Journal and Highly Cited Data), it is possible to query the impact factors of individual journals and identify Highly Cited and Hot Papers within the Web of Science.
Cambridge University Press (CUP) is a leading academic publisher affiliated with one of the world's premier universities. The full-text multidisciplinary journal database excels, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, but also encompasses representation in the natural and technical sciences. Nearly 2 million full-text articles are available across more than 400 scholarly journals. Starting from 2023, all subscribing institutions gain access to the Full Collection package.