Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).



The h-index was invented in August 2005 by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at the University of California (San Diego) and it is a simple measure of citation.  A researcher’s Hirsch-index is h, if there are h articles that have at least h references to each. Therefore, if a researcher’s h-(Hirsch-) index is 21, then he/she has 21 publications to which at least 21 citations have been made separately.

How to calculate the h-index: we rank the publications, the most received citations are in the first place, and the order continues with the decreasing number of citations. The h-index is the serial number of a publication that has at least as many citations as the serial number.

The Hirsch-index (h-index) generated by MTMT is found by each author in the Hirsch-index field of their own Summary Table. MTMT only calculates on the basis of the data in the database and it applies additional criteria – you can have information on it in the Notes at the bottom of the table. You can ask for help from the faculty MTMT administrator if you have questions about your Hirsch-index. 

Impact factor

The impact factor is copyright assessment tool of Clarivate Analytics, the operator of the Web of Science bibliographic database (WoS). The impact factor is a measure of the scientific quality of journals indexed in the WoS: it shows the extent to which articles in a given journal have been cited by other journals. The impact factor data is available in the Journal Citation Reports database.

MTA journal lists

Publication in Hungarian is common in many fields, as well as in international journals that are not included in WoS and Scopus but are of a high standard according to the profession. For the evaluation of these journals, the professionally competent departments, and committees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) have established lists of journals, on which the accepted journals are classified as A, B, C, D or INT1, INT2, NAT.

The journal lists of the departments of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) are available on the pages containing the regulations of the scientific departments on doctoral procedures, and in the public search engine of the MTM, broken down by classes.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SCImago journal and Country Rank, SJR) is a free portal that provides scientific indicators and rankings about journals and countries based on the Elsevier Scopus database. The SJR primarily shows which quarter a journal in the given specialization falls from the fore: first (Q1), second (Q2), third (Q3), or last quarter (Q4).


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