Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

Modern storage bags for the photographs of the university history collection

With the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary, the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives acquired modern storage bags for the photographs of the university history collection.

Ensuring adequate stock protection is the basis for long-term conservation. The transparent iSafe polypropylene pouches allow us to protect our photos not only from dust, but also from fingerprints during research and processing. The FILLA semi-transparent paper bags purchased for larger photos provide storage that meets stock protection considerations and is economical at the same time. 

During the revision of the collection unit in 2021, more than 3 000 pieces of paper photographs were packaged, moreover negatives and postcards will soon be placed in the remaining bags. 

A significant part of the historical photo collection is already available online: 


National Cultural Fund of Hungary

Source/author of illustration: