Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the beginning of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

News archive

2022. July 25., Monday – 09:16
ULA Archives
We would like to inform our clients and researchers that the Archive will be closed between the 1st of August and the 28th of August 2022. We wish you all the best for your vacation.
2022. July 4., Monday – 15:26
ULA Archives
The Association of Hungarian Archivists will hold its annual meeting in Székesfehérvár between the 11th and the 13th of July 2022. The head of our archive, Krisztina Tóth will give a lecture on the destruction of ELTE’s records in 1956.
2022. June 17., Friday – 17:15
ULA Archives
On the 18th of June 2022, the Archival Picnic will be held for the fifth time in the Budapest City Archives. In addition to the various programs, the archives stand will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the work, publications and services of the archives. The guests can also visit the stand of the Hungarian Association of Higher Education Archives.
2022. May 23., Monday – 09:41
ULA Archives
On the 13th of May 2022, two new publications of the University History Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Primate Archives were presented in the Reading Hall of the University Library. The first book, which deals with the lists of students of the early period of our university, was presented by István Fazekas, head of the University History Research Group. The authors of the volume, Adrienn Kmety, Júlia Varga and László Szögi, as well as the director of the Primate Archives, András Hegedűs, also gave a short presentation at the event.
2022. April 25., Monday – 13:57
ULA Archives
Yolland Arthur (1874-1956) was a literary historian, Hungarian national champion tennis player, footballer, coach and football referee.
2022. April 11., Monday – 11:16
ULA Archives
The Eötvös family was promoted to baronhood in 1768 by Mária Terézia. In the family’s new coat of arms, the golden, standing griffin is a prominent element of the heart shield, which is a symbol of courage and speed.  There is a baron’s crown on top of the shield as a helmet decoration. The noble letter is on display at our exhibition „Under the spell of accuracy – The life and work of Loránd Eötvös”.
2022. March 9., Wednesday – 12:49
ULA Archives
University curricula are available until 1995 at the Arcanum Digital Library
2022. March 3., Thursday – 10:16
ULA Archives
The most important legal insurance documents of the University were kept in the office of the current rector, locked in a metal box. Finally the documents were transferred to the University Library as a deposit in 1952, and after the Archives was established, the certificates were taken into its custody.
2022. February 14., Monday – 13:32
ULA Archives
In 2021, the Archives was expanded with the legacy of two prominent university professors.
2022. February 7., Monday – 15:12
ULA Archives
Our first special educators studied and practiced in the field of teaching deaf children in Vienna, the institute for deaf-mute people operating there since 1799. The first special education institutions in Hungary were established in the 1800s, called „philanthropic” institutions.
2022. January 25., Tuesday – 14:27
ULA Archives
Frigyes Dési, the meteorologist and university professor was born 110 years ago, on the 11th of January 1912.
2022. January 10., Monday – 14:11
ULA Archives
Ferenc Molnár was born on the 12th of January, 1878. His popular novel, The Paul Street Boys is laid in the Botanical Garden of the university. The plot takes place in 1889, although the novel itself was published in 1907. This year proved to be a turning point in the history of the Botanical Garden, as the Minister of Religion and Public Education ordered to hand over much of its territory to the buildings of the new clinics at the university. Pursuant to Article 48 of the 1908 Act the Margaret Island was designated as the new location for the Botanical Garden, and after the move, the former area of the Botanical Garden would have been given in its entirety to the Medical Faculty. Although plans were made to relocate the botanical garden to Margaret Island, the garden eventually continued to operate in its former location with a mutilated area. On the map made in 1901, the new border of the Botanical Garden was marked with a blue line and the location of the new buildings under construction was marked in red.
2022. January 3., Monday – 10:55
ULA Archives
The minutes of the Faculty of Humanities between 1889 and 1974 can be found on the Hungaricana portal.
2021. December 9., Thursday – 12:46
ULA Archives
We would like to inform our clients and researchers, that the Archive will be closed from the 20th of December, 2021 to the 3rd of January, 2022.
2021. December 1., Wednesday – 11:53
ULA Archives
The latest volume of our archive contains the data of the students attending higher education institutions located in Eger, the Archbishop’s Seminary and the Archbishop’s Law High School.
2021. November 8., Monday – 09:30
ULA Archives
On the 8th and 9th of November 2021, the sixth scientific conference entitled „Trianon and the Hungarian Higher Education” will be held.
2021. October 18., Monday – 09:40
ULA Archives
With the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary, the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives acquired modern storage bags for the photographs of the university history collection.
2021. September 24., Friday – 14:23
ULA Archives
On the 21st of September, 2021 the Hungarian Association of Higher Education Archives held a general meeting in Győr.
2021. September 20., Monday – 14:23
ULA Archives
Between the 24th and 25th of September, 2021 the Archival Picnic will be held for the forth time in the Budapest City Archives.
2021. September 13., Monday – 19:22
ULA Archives
The online services of the National Archives of Hungary and Budapest City Archives can be accessed through the Digital Archives Portal. The portal also provides a register of church and higher education archives, including our university archves.