News archive

2024. July 24., Wednesday – 13:01
ULA University Library
Within the framework of the Cultural Heritage Days program series, calligrapher Dezső Buzogány will hold a workshop on the 21st of September 2024 from 11:00 to 17:00 in the hall of the ELTE University Library and Archives (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.). Our guests are able to gain an insight into the art of calligraphy.
2024. July 24., Wednesday – 12:52
ULA University Library
On the occasion of the Cultural Heritage Days, we are waiting for young and old, children and adults alike with special surprises.
2024. July 24., Wednesday – 12:40
ULA University Library
On Cultural Heritage Days, our book presentations offer an insight into our library's special publications, revealing the secrets of our old prints.
2024. July 24., Wednesday – 12:25
ULA University Library
Our guided tours in the frame of the Cultural Heritage Days focus on the history of the University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University. All visitors are welcome!
2024. July 24., Wednesday – 11:59
ULA University Library
On Saturday, the 21st of September 2024, as part of the Cultural Heritage Days, we will open our library doors to the public again.
2024. July 11., Thursday – 16:01
University Library and Arcives (ULA)
Our series entitled “Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE” presents some of the key material cultural heritage of the Eötvös Loránd University. The object of the month is the commemorative medal of the Eötvös József Collegium.
2024. July 10., Wednesday – 09:04
ULA University Library
The ELTE University Library and Archives hosted a delegation from Ningbo University on the 9th of July 2024.
2024. July 5., Friday – 12:30
ULA Archives
The training of secondary school teachers began at the Faculty of Humanities of our university in the mid-19th century. Candidates had to pass an examination before the Secondary School Teachers’ Examination Board, set up in 1862, to obtain their teaching diplomas. The Commission functioned until 1949. All the examination registers in the Commission's archives between 1864 and 1949 have been catalogued and the database contains the names of the students who sat the examinations, their degree, the date of the examination and the archival reference of the register.
2024. July 5., Friday – 09:11
University Library Service (ULS)
At the second quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2024, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.
2024. July 1., Monday – 12:05
ULA University Library
Between the 29th of July and the 31st of August 2024, our library and the Eötvös Exhibition will be closed.
2024. June 28., Friday – 15:23
University Library Service (ULS)
Oxford University Press welcomes all interested parties to the English-language webinars during the summer. Webinars are free to attend, but needs registration.
2024. June 27., Thursday – 13:53
ULA University Library
The ELTE University Library and Archives hosted a Greek and Turkish delegation from the University of Thessaly and Hacettepe University between the 24th and the 28th of June 2024.
2024. June 27., Thursday – 13:48
University Library Service (ULS)
On the 18th and 19th of June 2024, the staff of the ELTE University Library Service (ULS) participated in a workshop on quality development led by Dr. Attila Szoboszlai, trainer.
2024. June 26., Wednesday – 16:30
ULA University Library
Nowadays, it seems inconceivable that serious scientists of past centuries could have attached so much importance to the current positions of stars and planets. Diseases, wars, famines or perhaps good harvests, royal weddings and great discoveries await mankind? All this was thought to be read from the signs in the heavens. Join us in our search for the heavens and visit our Copernicus Memorial Exhibition entitled „The man who moved the Earth out of its place”!
2024. June 25., Tuesday – 10:35
ULA University Library
According to our tradition, this year we joined the Night of Museums series of events, which included craft activities, concerts, guided tours, restoration and calligraphy workshops, as well as an exhibition entitled Copernicus Memorial Exhibition.
2024. June 20., Thursday – 10:59
ULA University Library
Iván Nagy, genealogist, historian and former colleague of our library was born 200 years ago, on 18 July 1824 in Balassagyarmat. On the day of the anniversary, the statue of Iván Nagy was worshipped in the Palóc Museum of the Hungarian National Museum. The event concluded with an interactive genealogy presentation by Nógrád County archivists.
2024. June 19., Wednesday – 14:56
ULA University Library
Due to the Night of Museums, the library services of the ELTE University Library and Archives will be inaccessible on Saturday, on the 22th of June 2024. Everyone is welcome to join our programmes starting at 15.00.
2024. June 14., Friday – 13:33
ULA University Library
On 12 June 2024 - The Petőfi Literary Museum's exhibition entitled "Halcyon Days - Fashion and Culture in Reform-Age Pest" opened, featuring an engraving depicting George Sand which was loaned from the ELTE University Library and Archives.
2024. June 12., Wednesday – 15:32
ULA University Library
The National Széchényi Library (NSZL) and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) have agreed that NSZL will digitize almost 200,000 ELTE paper-based doctoral dissertations and theses by 2027. Through the cooperation, ELTE students and researchers have access to the institution's rich knowledge base in a modern form, thus supporting scientific research and innovative technological developments.
2024. June 12., Wednesday – 11:59
University Library Service (ULS)
The Repository Certification Committee of the MTMT (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára = Hungarian Science Bibliography – The database of Hungarian scientific publications) issued certificates to the Elpis Journal of Philosophical Sciences based on the submitted certification requests.